Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Egyptian Food by Victor Osorto

Have you ever thought if Egyptians grew vegetables and fruits or if they only ate meat? The ancient Egyptians diet considered a vast amount of grains, fish, fruit, and vegetables. Grapes grow in the Nile delta, and Animals such as cows were very healthy therefore they were very expensive. As a result this research paper will talk to you about diet, growth of food, and meat.

Can you believe Egyptians are diabetics People? I still can’t. The Egyptians ate a vast amount of food. They didn’t want to get overweighed. For example they ate 3- 5 fruits per month, because fruits are very sugary which could get them sick. Doubtless, ancient Egypt’s probably eat better than others in the ancient world. For example, KMT, a name for ancient Egypt refers to its, rich, dark, fertile soil, and we have no doubt that since the invention of agriculture, Egyptians, with the Nile Valley and Delta, had a distinct advantage over many others when it came to food. Agriculture existed from an early date in Egypt. From the common people of Egypt, cereal foods formed the main backbone of their diet from the predynaste period onward. Even for the rich this staple mean generally consisted a variety of different breads with spices mixed in. So that’s how Egyptians kept there body on a diet you ever think if Egyptians Garden? Egyptians try to get the weather, for them to plant. They wanted to make sure it was safe to plant. For example animals might of gotten their crops or the Nile might flood the crops. Egyptians also plant, for them to tell at their local market. For instance, if they want the food fast they just went to the market to buy some fruits and veggies. Last Egyptians planted for their Kings. For instance Kings love their fruits to be fresh, and barely taken out of the ground. So those are some of the reasons and why’s the Egyptians planted.

I am in shock; you’ll just have to see for yourself. Whatever meat couldn’t be eaten fresh had to be preserved quickly. For example, it would rotten, and smell bad. Meat was very expensive only people with money could buy it. For example, The Pharaohs, people with money, and builders, and much more. Last the Egyptians ate meat because they say it helped their believes. Supposly that red meat was special to the Egyptians. Well that’s the truth of Egyptian meat.

 Egyptians also plant, for them to tell at their local market. For instance, if they want the food fast they just went to the market to buy some fruits and veggies. Last Egyptians planted for their Kings. For instance Kings love their fruits to be fresh, and barely taken out of the ground. So those are some of the reasons and why’s the Egyptians planted.

I am in shock; you’ll just have to see for yourself. Whatever meat couldn’t be eaten fresh had to be preserved quickly. For example, it would rotten, and smell bad. Meat was very expensive only people with money could buy it. For example, The Pharaohs, people with money, and builders, and much more. Last the Egyptians ate meat because they say it helped their believes. Supposly that red meat was special to the Egyptians. Well that’s the truth of Egyptian meat.

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