Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ancient Egyptian Fashion by Carolina Tecuautzin

Have you ever wondered how was clothes in ancient Egypt made, and who can afford jewelry the best? Clothes were made from materials of plants. Jewelry was for the ancient Egyptians. My essay will be about how were clothes made in ancient Egypt, differences between men and women clothes and jewelry I will give you all the information about that. 
How was clothes made in ancient Egypt? In ancient Egypt the clothes were made out of flax plant and valley plant made linen for clothes. The valley plant only made sleeves for the shirts and dresses and the flax plant made the rest of the parts of the clothes. This makes me think that each plant made some part. I think that this is important because I can show that in the pass dresses had sleeves and right now they don’t. The Egyptians who made the clothes bleached the clothes to produce attractive white cloth so the people and gods can buy them can clothes. This makes me think that ancient Egyptians tried to do attractive cloth to sell more, or wanted to get rich to afford gold jewelry. The sleeves from the women’s clothes had to have straight sleeves, or else some women’s would not buy clothes, or not wear them. This makes me think that woman’s loved clothes that had sleeves to not get sun burn when they go outside when it’s really hot. This kind helps us know that women’s actually didn’t like to get burn that why they wear long sleeves. Therefore, in ancient Egypt people made clothes from plants and    bleached clothes to attract people to buy the clothes.  Bleached clothes to attract people to buy the clothes.         
Have you ever wonder what were some differences between men and women? Men’s clothes were opened shirts and women’s clothes had sleeves but not men’s. This makes me think that men’s wearied open shirts because they worked, or they just wearied it so they can not be every hot. Women’s clothes were sold more than me men’s because a man’s loved fancy clothes, but a woman’s loved simple clothes they conformed them selves. It makes me think that the Egyptians who made the clothes sold more women’s clothes than men. Women bought more simple clothes because they were poor. Men’s clothes wasn’t sold that much because they loved fancy clothes and there wasn’t much fancy clothes. This makes me think that in ancient Egypt they sold more simple clothes than fancy clothes. This means that in ancient Egypt men’s didn’t have lots of clothes, but maybe women’s did .The men’s and women’s were so different from each other it should have been the opposite.                                                                                                         
How was jewelry used and who can afford jewelry and what kind? Egyptians used jewelry to brighten up their plain out fits and gold jewelry was available for rich only not poor.  This makes me think that is wasn’t fair that only rich people can buy gold jewelry and not poor they should lower the price so that poor people can buy gold to not only stones. I think that it would of been better that the price were the same as poor and rich people. The ones that have less wealthy copper and jewelry was called fuience earthenware decorated with colored glazes that imitate gemstones it was so cheap to buy. This makes me think that ancient Egyptians that were poor they called the rich people fuience earthenware. This means that rich people can afford the best than the poor people.   Wealthy women used stones earrings, but rich people used gold earrings rich women’s wore the best jewelry. This makes me think that at least is good that poor women at least wear jewelry. Even though that is wasn’t fair that rich women wore the best.

Therefore, in ancient Egypt clothes were made out of two types of plants for example valley plant and flax plant. Women’s clothes were very simple but they still wear, but men’s loved fancy clothes poor people will buy fancy jewelry and rich people bought gold jewelry. Lastly, I learned that women’s loved simple clothes and it didn’t matter if it was simple. Overall I learned how women’s simple clothes and the men didn’t. Where did rich people buy there fancy clothes if Egyptians only made simple clothes.   



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